

In addition to our own SBDC services and those across the Office of Business & Entrepreneurship, we connect entrepreneurs to many resources at the federal, state and local levels. If you need help navigating your options or getting started, contact us.


U.S. Small Business Administration Loans

Start or expand your business with loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration. The SBA delivers services to people through an extensive network of field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations, including the Wisconsin SBDC Network.

WBD Inc.

WBD Finance Corporation is a private, not-for-profit corporation created in 1981 to assist Wisconsin businesses to gain access to capital, create jobs and promote community development. Working with partners, WBD tailors financing packages to meet customer needs.

Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation

Focused on women, minorities and people of lower wealth, WWBIC assists individuals who are interested in starting, strengthening or expanding businesses by providing direct lending, quality business and financial capability education and one-on-one technical assistance.

SEC Small Business Capital Raising Tool

The Securities & Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Office of the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation recently launched a new tool for small business. It’s an interactive capital raising navigator tool. If you are trying to raise capital, this is a great resource.

International Trade

Grow Your Business Through Exporting

Developed by international trade experts and economists, provides trusted market intelligence, practical advice and business tools to help U.S. companies expand in global markets.

U.S. Customs Basic Importing & Exporting

U.S. Customs and Border Protection works to reduce costs for industry and enforce trade laws against counterfeit, unsafe, and fraudulently entered goods. CBP is committed to American economic prosperity, public health and safety.

Madison International Trade Association

MITA is a Madison-based organization whose mission is to foster understanding of the issues, practices, information, legislation and trends that affect and influence all aspects of international trade.

Northern Wisconsin International Trade Association

Northern Wisconsin International Trade Association (NWITA) is a non-profit membership organization committed to expanding the knowledge, interest, and activity in international trade in the region.

Law and Entrepreneurship


UW-Madison Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic

The Law & Entrepreneurship (L&E) Clinic provides free legal services to nascent entrepreneurs and early stage companies through the work of law students supervised by faculty and private sector attorneys.

Related: Check out the Entrepreneurial How-To Video Series produced with the Wisconsin SBDC.

Marquette Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic

This clinical program at Marquette University Law School serves entrepreneurs creating new businesses in southeastern Wisconsin, with a focus on clients who can’t afford qualified legal counsel. 

Disaster Recovery

SBA Emergency Preparedness Resources and Information

Smart planning can help you keep your business running if disaster strikes. You’ll want to take the right steps to prevent and prepare for disaster, and know where to get aid if disaster strikes.

Marketing & Research

Small Business Administration Online

A wealth of information for businesses.

Sperling’s Best Places

Great website for learning community information and comparative city analysis.


Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)

Extensive information about business in the state of Wisconsin.

U.S. Department of Labor

Valuable information on consumer spending, inflation (includes a calculator) and many other topics.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Primary source for consumer spending and consumer prices. Combined with Census data, this information can help estimate potential sales.

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Offers searchable indexes on patents, legal material, patent resources, trademark and copyright issues and much more.

U.S. Census Bureau

Detailed local census data by state, county, city, village, township, census tract, zip code and congressional district.

Better Business Bureau Online

The Better Business Bureau provides instant access to business and consumer alerts as well as helpful resources. You can even file a complaint online.

Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership

WMEP provides technical expertise and hands-on implementation assistance to small and midsize manufacturing firms on strategic reposition, lean services, business process excellence, and lean supplier alignment. Call (920) 366-7532.

U.S. Census Bureau American Fact Finder

The Census Bureau self-service tool is designed to deliver a variety of population, economic, geographic and housing information about the United States to individuals, educators, businesses, governments and organizations.

Internal Revenue Service

Get federal tax information and forms faster and easier by using the IRS site.

DNR Environmental Small Business Assistance Program

Look here to determine your environmental responsibilities in regard to complex federal and state regulations. The program also strives to help small businesses take advantage of the opportunities of sustainable practices.

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

NAICS is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.

James J. Hill Business Research Library

Private non-profit business reference library, located in Saint Paul, MN. Since 1921, the Hill Library has housed a world-class collection of practical business information resources and is considered one of the most comprehensive business libraries in the country.


Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce

A membership-based business organization supporting veteran-owned and veteran-friendly businesses across Wisconsin. Advocating for Wisconsin’s veteran business community, and promote economic opportunity for military veterans, military families, and veteran-friendly businesses.

Veteran Business Outreach Centers

Providing business development services to men and women who are:

  • Active duty service members, including Guard and Reserve
  • Veterans
  • Family members of the above



Created to assist women-owned businesses, 45% of all businesses in the United States, grow their business.

Western Wisconsin business_center_logo

Western Dairyland’s Women’s Business Center

Specializing in providing services to assist women entrepreneurs.


Thomas Register of American Manufacturers

The Internet’s largest industrial buying and specification guide to find suppliers.


Government Procurement

Wisconsin Procurement Institute

WPI guides, trains and provides hands-on help to firms in developing business, upgrading personnel skills and improving process or technical capability to access and compete in the government marketplace.

Wisconsin Innovation Service Center (WISC)

New product and investment incentives and market expansion opportunities for innovative manufacturers, technology businesses and independent inventors.

Permits & Licensing

Business Development and Government Relations

Find out how to get started through data, tax incentives, and workforce development.

Sellers’ Permits

Seller’s permits are required of every individual, partnership, corporation, or other organization making retail sales or rentals of tangible personal property or retail sales of taxable services in Wisconsin.

Register a Business

Register you business with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.

Other Resources

Employee Identification Number (EIN)

The new Web-based tool instantly processes requests and generates Employer Identification Numbers in real time. Simply answer the questions and receive your EIN immediately after the information is validated. You can download and print the EIN confirmation notice.

Office of Women’s Business Ownership (OWBO)

As part of the Small Business Association (SBA), the Office of Women’s Business Ownership (OWBO) assists women achieve their dreams and improve their communities by helping them start and run successful businesses, regardless of social or financial disadvantage, race, ethnicity, or business background. OWBO and the Women’s Business Center Program are integral components of Entrepreneurial Development’s network of training and counseling services.

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

Enables individuals with disabilities severe enough to prevent them from getting from or keeping a job access to appropriate resources and referral services as well as assistance with developing a business plan and some start-up cost funding.

Business Owner’s Toolkit

Basic business forms, templates and checklists that you can download to your computer and customize to your needs.


Small Business Development Center National Information Clearinghouse (SBDCNET) serves as a resource dedicated to meeting the information needs of SBDC counselors and clients. Services include a database of forms, documents, brochures and promotional materials; secondary market research data; demographic information location; site location analysis; business plans and financial ratio information; basic patent and trademark searches; pertinent business articles, e-commerce, market research, rural business and site location training.

Job Center

Try out JobNet, a self-service computer aided system that job seekers can easily use to quickly find available job openings. This service lists your job openings, and has unique customized services including, on-site recruiting facilities, tie-in advertising and screening services.  There is also rapid, national exposure for your job listing through America’s Job Bank. They can also help you to better understand your labor market. JobNet is Wisconsin’s single-largest source for job applicants. Call Job Center of La Crosse Help Desk at 608.789.5627.

Experience Works

A national non-profit organization which provides older and disadvantaged individuals with opportunities to learn, work and serve others. Call 608.789.5623.

Contracting Opportunities

The Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) is responsible for ensuring that small businesses are treated fairly and that they have an opportunity to compete and be selected for a fair amount of the Agency’s prime and subcontracting opportunities.

Children of Restaurant Employees

Injury. Family Death. Natural Disaster. If you’re a food and beverage service employee with children, CORE can help. CORE: Children of Restaurant Employees provides financial relief to food and beverage service employees with children when navigating a qualifying circumstance.

Business AnswerLine

The Wisconsin Business AnswerLine helps established, new and aspiring business owners at NO Cost! AnswerLine staff draw from extensive curated resources to provide timely answers to your business questions.
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Office of Business & Entrepreneurship

Universities of Wisconsin Office of Business & Entrepreneurship helps entrepreneurs, businesses and economic development professionals to achieve their goals by offering technical assistance and leveraging data in the Wisconsin entrepreneurial ecosystem.
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