Becca Rouse

Financial Consultant

Becca’s areas of expertise include operations and finance. She enjoys problem solving and looking for creative solutions to work through challenges. She has a strong work ethic and the ability to remain positive, even in challenging situations. She works to remove feelings from decision-making and focuses on what is best for the business, employee, and customer.

She really enjoys helping people make their dreams a reality. People often start a business because they are passionate about a product or service, but they lack a true understanding of business systems, processes, or financial literacy. Becca loves helping owners obtain skills in these areas that are critical to the long-term success of a business.

Becca likes working with clients who have a personal connection to their business. She appreciates when business owners want to serve a purpose beyond just themselves such as giving back to the community, making a better place for people to work, or creating a fun environment that helps to serve a need.

When she is not running her two children to and from school and their activities, she enjoys travel and anything fitness related. She is a Registered Yoga Teacher, teaching several classes per week.

  • MBA, UW-Eau Claire
  • Bachelor of Healthcare Administration,  UW-Eau Claire

Contact Becca Rouse
