Chris Wojtowicz

International Trade & General Business Consultant

Chris’s strength lies first in his overall approach to working with small business owners…’he’s been here, done that’. Which means he is putting his experience to work for you. Seeing others succeed is his greatest satisfaction. And while Chris likes to talk (!) he also has a listening ear when times are tough and for victories small and large. He is jazzed if he can play a small role in your success. These are all qualities make him a a great International Trade Consultant.

Areas of expertise for Chris include global business development; trade, materials and social compliance; and contract negotiation. He also has vast experience in political risk management, business and market development as well as vendor and customer relationships and retention. Chris also enjoys working with foreign market research and analysis, supply chain and logistics management, and global import and export compliance. He has additional experience in sales management, operations and U.S. Customs brokerage.

You will find that Chris is easy-going, laid back and loves to collaborate. He is also very detail oriented- maybe overly so sometimes! He strives to learn and expand his own knowledge, so he loves to hear others’ thoughts on a project or topic. Projects that are the most meaningful to Chris are those that result in processes that help the customer realize greater efficiency or market share. Chris is part of a paranormal investigation team, which is very cool, especially when the team examines evidence looking for anomalies and the reasons they exist

In his local community, Chris can be found supporting local business growth through education and tourism because he believes in the importance of strong local and regional economies.

  • Executive Juris Doctor Purdue Global University – Concord Law School



Contact Chris Wojtowicz


The Sky is not Falling: The resignation of Canada’s Prime Minister and the effects of international trade with Wisconsin

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