In 2020, Ender Gocmen, along with his co-founder and wife Cassie, started Barbell Coffee Co. in Hudson, Wisconsin. The office is now located in River Falls. The specialty coffee roaster offers 100% organic, single origin, small batch coffee. Their roast-to-order products set them apart from other coffees, especially in the category of freshness. Ender said, “We really just want more people to be able to enjoy a good cup of coffee as it should be.”
The Signature Series is a shining example of their coffees, providing a light, a medium, a dark, and a decaffeinated roast. They use a Swiss Water® Process that includes no chemicals to remove the caffeine. Barbell Coffee Co. also offers a subscription model which allows customers to choose quantity and frequency of coffee delivery at a flat monthly rate.
When getting the business off the ground, Ender encountered both tactical and mental obstacles. “Learning how to start a business was new to me. I had the passion, but not the business acumen. I needed to learn things about the process of purchasing equipment and getting licensed, and I needed to learn how to deal with the mental strain that comes from the obligation of responsibility and the ups and downs of business.”

Other obstacles were financial hurdles and connecting to resources. “The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and specifically my consultant, Katherine Fossler, were essential to my success. I wouldn’t be in business without them. Katherine didn’t make me feel like I didn’t know what I was doing. She was kind and patient and able to answer my questions and point me to other available resources,” Ender said.
Katherine said, “The success of Barbell Coffee Co. begins with Ender’s unparalleled curiosity and openness to considering new things, which is second only to the excellent product he offers. He asks very thoughtful, creative questions in his quest to grow his brand, and his passion for coffee is inspiring. These components make Ender a delightful client to work with!”
Ender also enrolled in the Entrepreneurial Training Program (ETP) led by Maren Valentine at the SBDC. “I wish I would have taken this course sooner. I learned so much; I would encourage anyone thinking about starting, or even anyone who has already started a business, to take the ETP,” Ender said. “The class was totally worth the investment. Meeting fellow local business owners in the cohort was a great experience. It was reassuring to know that I wasn’t the only business owner going through struggles, and I wasn’t going through them alone.”
Accomplishments with UW-River Falls SBDC
- Resources
- Business strategy
- Entrepreneurial Training Program
Additional support comes from the physical location of Barbell Coffee in the St. Croix Valley Business Innovation Center. “The Innovation Center is a gem! It provides professional facilities as well as access to meeting rooms and training rooms. There are lots of networking resources there and at times it operates almost as a think tank,” Ender said.
There are so many things Ender enjoys about owning the business. “I get all the amazing coffee I can drink!” Ender laughed. “And I get the emotional reward that comes from many customer compliments. They not only like our coffee; they love our customer service. I also love learning more about my roasting craft and the world of specialty coffee. I love purchasing from all over the world. I have developed a true appreciation for small business owners because I know how much they care about their business and their communities.”
Community recognition and growth are two things this small business has already experienced. St. Croix Economic Development Corporation (EDC) awarded Barbell Coffee Co. one of the 2023 Business of the Year awards in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. The business has already branched into wholesale partnerships, including local bakeries and gyms as well as a coffee cart. Max Deadlift, one of the Barbell coffees, is even used in a coffee liqueur created at a local distillery.
“In the future, we would like to secure a few more wholesale accounts as well,” Ender said, speaking of goals and dreams for the growing business. Cassie and Ender are also excited to fine tune their branding and develop a new bag design for their products. We wish lots of luck and continued success to Barbell Coffee Co.!