Courtney Skinkis purchased Confluence Graphics in September 2020 during a worldwide pandemic, and the 100% woman-owned business has been offering customer service and quality products that set her apart from other print shops ever since.
The business opened with the support of Courtney’s husband, Brad. Brad’s 40 years of experience in the printing industry and the skills of their team members Cally and Melanie allow them to really get to know and support clients. “We are huge on building relationships with our clients. We really want to know them as people,” Courtney said. “Our team is so important. I wouldn’t be able to do it without them.” The team is bringing lots of benefits to her clients of course, but also to the community by sponsoring events hosted by local non-profit organizations and partnering with area schools.
Since taking over the business where Brad worked for nearly ten years, this entrepreneur has made lots of changes, including redesigning the business logo.
Accomplishments with UW-Milwaukee SBDC
- Business plan
- Financial projections
- Business mentorship
Of course, new equipment and other new enhancements like repainting come with a price tag. “I worked with Doug Murphy at the UW-Milwaukee Small Business Development Center (SBDC), and he was so helpful in suggesting a community lender. He helped with my business plan and financial projections which I then took to the lender. Ultimately, I received the funding. Doug was an amazing mentor, and I am glad to still be friends with him today,” Courtney said.
Courtney also worked with Athena Agoudemos at the SBDC. “She is so supportive. I can discuss anything with her. She gives me lots of options and helps point me in the right direction,” Courtney said. Her small business also benefited from working with the SBDC’s Capital Access Clinic. “The clinic helped me investigate opportunities for future expansion and see the reality of my business situation. If it wasn’t for the SBDC, I simply wouldn’t be operating this business. They gave me the confidence I needed to go forward.”
The SBDC consulting advice was especially helpful when dealing with the supply chain issues caused by the pandemic. “I learned how to order early and think about supplies in a different way,” Courtney said. Other challenges this small business owner faced were creating work life balance and taking on continuous learning. “It takes a special dedication to be a business owner,” Courtney said. “I am always learning new things like implementing hiring practices and leading a team of employees.”
She highly recommends the SBA THRIVE Emerging Leaders program, which introduced her to many new business contacts and friends. She also participated in the Green Bay Packers Mentor/Protégé program in which she was partnered with an executive at a large food distributor.
“I am watching the print world closely, so I can make the best moves in the future,” Courtney said. “I would love to expand to another facility or obtain a new production facility for bigger equipment. And I look forward to hiring more staff as the business continues to grow.” We wish this unique print shop the best for future growth and look forward to seeing what Courtney does next.