Wisconsin SBDC staff is curating a list of common questions we’re fielding, with answers, to help address your most important questions.

If you are looking for help in Spanish and Spanish language materials, please visit the Puerto Rico SBDC.

If you are looking for assistance in other languages, please visit this SBA resources page.

NOTICE: The SBA has reopened applications for the Paycheck Protection Program First Draw PPP Loans AND Second Draw PPP Loans. The program is now open to all lenders.

NOTICE: The deadline for Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) applications has been extended to Dec. 31, 2021.

Other Questions?

Our staff are available to help answer your additional questions.

General FAQ:

Am I still able to meet with a business consultant?

If you are currently scheduled to meet with an SBDC consultant, your meeting will still take place at the scheduled time. Your consultant will reach out to you regarding use of virtual meeting platforms (Zoom, GoTo Meeting, Google Hangouts, etc.) or phone call options. We are not offering in-person consulting appointments at this time.

What do I do first?

Clear communication with customers and employees is an important component of your crisis management process. By letting your stakeholders know that you are being proactive, they can spend their time focusing on other parts of their life and make more informed decisions as they relate to your business.

  • Provide links to relevant information
  • Giving a glimpse into how your business is being proactive and what steps you are taking regarding cleanliness
  • Focus on customer safety and peace of mind
  • Provide tips for how the reader can be safe/take action/be part of the community to help your customers feel as empowered as possible in this difficult (and often overwhelming) situation
  • Clarify any alterations of policies for customers and/or employees (i.e. more lenient cancellation policies or sick time off for staff, etc.)
  • Showing care and concern for you employees and customers
  • Provide additional value, if possible (i.e. offering online options or curbside service to minimize contact)

While there is no one “right” way to handle these kinds of communications, it is helpful to stick to your brand, help assuage your client/customer fears and be proactive – both to help keep your operations running smoothly and to share that you have your stakeholders’ best interests in mind.

How can I reduce the risk for my organization?

With the extensive news coverage surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), contingency planning and management is at the forefront of everyone’s awareness. For your small business, this is the time to assess your sources of risk, reduce those risks, and communicate the steps you are taking to your employees and customers.

As any successful business owner knows, eliminating risk entirely is impossible. However, taking careful steps to mitigate risk and communicate clearly with employees and customers may be the keys to help your business stay strong through difficult times.

We suggest that all businesses have a business continuity plan (BCP) in place before a crisis. If you have one, now is the time to put it to work. If you don’t, it’s important to assess what risks COVID-19 presents to your business and put steps in place to mitigate them. In regard to epidemics like COVID-19, factors to consider include: employee healthy and safety, supply chains, cash-flow, and customer response.

Think through your policies. In the case of COVID-19, examples from the CDC include:

  • Having flexible sick leave policies (both for the employee and for caring for sick family member) and ensuring employees are aware of these policies. This may include adjusting attendance rules and communicating when these adjustments start and end.
  • Revisiting alternative options, such as remote work opportunities. Be proactive about your online policies and procedures; make sure that all employees know your processes, expectations, and confidentiality standards.
  • Posting workplace posters that encourage coughing and sneezing etiquette, staying home when sick, and appropriate handwashing.
  • Offering more flexibility for customers, particularly in regard to events and cancellations. An example of this is United Airlines’ current policy for flights booked between March 3 and 31.
  • Remaining vigilant about preventing workplace discrimination based on race or national origin. The CDC notes in Stigma and Resilience that ”stigma and discrimination can occur when people associate a disease with a population or nationality, even though not everyone in that population or from that region is specifically at risk for the disease”
  • Acknowledge that everyone experiences moments of crisis differently. As a supervisor or leader, it is important to consider your own emotions and support your team. Several links to related resources are included below.
  • We recently received some good tips via an email newsletter from Robert Gregg of the Boardman and Clark law firm in Madison. The message encouraged employers to check with their attorneys for legal advice regarding Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) surrounding employee absences due to COVID-19 complications and exposure.
  • Understand your insurance policy and what is or is not included in Business Interruption Coverage. Consider how your business insurance will work if your business closes due to an outbreak or other emergency.
  • Increase some of your regular practices, such as ensuring routine environmental cleaning, especially of frequently touched surfaces

Paycheck Protection Program (PPP):

NOTICE: After a few rounds of funding, the SBA closed the Paycheck Protection Program on May 31, 2021.

First Draw PPP Loans:
Second Draw PPP Loans:

Find out more:

Info on PPP 2021:

PPP Interim Final Rule – Loan Forgiveness Requirements and Loan Review Procedures as Amended by Economic Aid Act

Paycheck Protection Program Borrower’s Disclosure of Certain Controlling Interests

Procedural Notice – PPP Borrower Resubmissions of Loan Forgiveness Applications Using Form 3508S, Lender Notice Responsibilities to PPP Borrowers, and Offset of Remittances to Lender for Lender Debts (Released 1/15/21)

Procedural Notice – Paycheck Protection Program Excess Loan Amount Errors (Released 1/15/21)

How to Calculate Maximum Loan Amounts for First Draw PPP Loans and What Documentation to Provide – By Business Type (Released 1/17/2021)

Helpful Reminder for This Round of PPP – Make sure the PPP First Draw Loan number is included in the Second Draw PPP Loan application

As part of the Second Draw Borrower application, Applicants must enter the SBA loan number of the First Draw PPP loan (i.e. the loan that was originated in 2020).  SBA loan numbers have the following format to help borrowers identify the SBA loan number of their first PPP loan: XXXXXXXX-XX (i.e. eight numbers followed by a dash and then two more numbers).   PPP lenders should make SBA loan numbers easily available to their borrowers.

Second Draw Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans:  How to Calculate Revenue Reduction and Maximum Loan Amounts Including What Documentation to Provide (Released 1/19/2021)

First Draw Paycheck Protection Program Loan Increases After Enactment of the Economic Aid Act

Guidance on Accessing Capital for Minority, Underserved, Veteran and Women-Owned Business Concerns

PPP Interim Final Rule – PPP as Amended by the Economic Aid Act

PPP Interim Final Rule – Second Draw Loans

PPP Interim Final Rule – Business Loan Program Temporary Changes; Paycheck Protection Program – COVID Revenue Reduction Score, Direct Borrower Forgiveness Process, and Appeals Deferment

PPP 2020:

PPP Interim Final Rule

PPP Interim Final Rule – Additional Eligibility Criteria and Requirements for Certain Pledges of Loans

PPP Interim Final Rule – Requirements for Promissory Notes, Authorizations, Affiliation and Eligibility

PPP Interim Final Rule – Additional Criterion for Seasonal Employers

PPP Interim Final Rule – Disbursements

PPP Interim Final Rule – Requirements – Corporate Groups and Non-Bank and Non-Insured Depository Institution Lenders

PPP Interim Final Rule – Nondiscrimination and Additional Eligibility Criteria

PPP Interim Final Rule – Rural Electrical Cooperatives Now Eligible

PPP Interim Final Rule – Partnerships, Seasonal Employers May Increase Loan Amounts

PPP Interim Final Rule – Treatment of Entities with Foreign Affiliates

PPP Interim Final Rule – Requirements – Loan Forgiveness

PPP Interim Final Rule – SBA Loan Review Procedures and Related Borrower and Lender Responsibilities

PPP Interim Final Rule – Additional Revisions to First Interim Final Rule

PPP Interim Final Rule – Revisions to Loan Forgiveness IFR and SBA Loan Review Procedures IFR

PPP Interim Final Rule – Additional Eligibility Revisions to First Interim Final Rule (criminal justice reform provisions related to eligibility for those with a criminal record)

PPP Interim Final Rule – Certain Eligible Payroll Costs (specifically pertaining to fishing boat owners)

PPP Interim Final Rule – Appeals of SBA Loan Review Decisions Under the PPP

PPP Interim Final Rule – Treatment of Owners and Forgiveness of Certain Nonpayroll Costs

PPP Loan Forgiveness FAQ (dated August 11)

IRS Notice Regarding Tax Deductibility

PPP Interim Final Rule on the simpler forgiveness process for loans of $50,000 or less

For additional details see this deeper FAQ document from the SBA dated December 9, 2020.

Small Business Debt Relief:

Find out more:

How does an owner prove what was being paid/funds used for?

That information is not available yet.

Is the SBA deferring payments for six months or actually making payments for six months? I have heard both pieces of language used.

The SBA will automatically pay the principal, interest, and fees of current 7(a), 504, and microloans for a period of six months. The SBA will also automatically pay the principal, interest, and fees of new 7(a), 504, and microloans issued prior to September 27, 2020. Borrowers preferring to continue making regular payments during the deferment period may continue remitting payments during the deferment period. SBA will apply those payments normally as if there was no deferment. After this automatic deferment period, borrowers will be required to resume making regular principal and interest payments. 

Other Funding Sources:

Is WEDC planning on anything besides the SB 20/20 program?

That information is not available yet.

How will putting employees on unemployment effect their unemployment insurance? Talk of raising rates and as much as needing to go dollar for dollar.

That information is not available yet.

Are sole proprietors LLC that don’t have other employees eligible for the PPP or unemployment for themselves?


Can I now apply for unemployment (as a business owner)?


When will unemployment info for sole prop and LLC owners be available?

Unemployment is a DWD program, and the answer is not available yet.

What is the best way to help salon owners, beauty businesses that can’t do anything?

Encourage them to apply for EIDL and PPP as they can always decline EIDL loan funds later if they choose.

Business Operated Continuity-related:

What are some things businesses can do to prepare and/or stay afloat? Are you seeing any innovative/creative strategies/solutions they’re using?

All businesses should have a preparedness plan in place for any type of disruption. Proper planning helps to protect employees, lessen the financial ramifications, and help the business continue to support economic recovery in the community. Visit for more resources. 

Specific guidance on:

Capital Access- We understand this situation can strain your capacity to make payroll, maintain inventory and respond to market fluctuations. With the state declaration, we encourage you to apply for an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan. Also, traditional SBA-backed lending is still available and we can help you with that. 

Workforce- Your workers are just as impacted as you are and job functions/ responsibilities are likely changing. Keep this in mind as you work through your operations.

For issues related to your workforce, including safety, wages, unemployment, check in with the Department of Labor at

For mental health issues, visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (

Insurance Coverage– If you have business interruption insurance, now is the time to contact your insurance agent to review your policy to understand precisely what you are and are not covered for in the event of an extended incident.

Marketing- Communicate openly with your customers about the status of your operations, what protective measures you’ve implemented, and what you’re doing to keep your customers protected and meet their needs. 

Plan- Prepare a plan for what you will do as this situation evolves, including worsens or improves. 

What should a small business do to keep its employees and customers safe?

We want to emphasize that public health is the priority and we’re encouraging small businesses to do their part to keep their employees, customers and themselves healthy by following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s most up-to-date information on COVID-19, as well as Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond

Also, the Department of Labor has provided details on workplace safety, leave and additional general resources at

What should a small business do to avoid being victimized?

Small businesses should ensure that anyone promising assistance is legitimate. The FTC has this page to help businesses protect against scams: More resources for cyber scams can be found here:

Is the SBA offering other type of assistance beyond financial help?

Yes, as it has for more than 65 years, the SBA is offering ongoing assistance for small businesses across the country to help them start, grow, expand and recover. This includes various trainings and education offerings, financial and preparedness planning, supply chain assistance and the like.

Where should a small business go to find additional resources for help?

Small businesses should stay up to date with SBA’s ongoing assistance by following @SBA_Wisconsin on Twitter and subscribing to the district newsletter via their zip code. Also, small businesses can find local educational and counseling resources via

If you have additional questions, let us know.


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