
Political Risk Management & Trade Development

Two topics – political risk management and trade development — are woefully intertwined, yet many managers continue to view these as separate issues.

Your Company is Probably More Global Than You Realize

In the 1960’s, just 8% of consumer goods sold in the US were made overseas.

Pardon my French! Err Spanish!

It’s hard to believe that my career in international sales/marketing and export development is now in its 23rd year.

Where There’s a Will… Taking Advantage of Opportunities in International Markets

A Midwest manufacturer of customized engine parts used in the automotive industry was presenting at a seminar several years ago.

Ringing in the New Year and the New Administration

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable holiday season and that you and yours are healthy and safe during these trying times.

Goodbye 2020, We Won’t Miss You!

Many business owners I have spoken with recently have expressed how 2020 seems to be passing by rather quickly and, honestly, the sooner the better.

Yes, Selling to Canada IS an Export

When asking an experienced exporter how many countries they export to, the response is sometimes: “Including Canada?”  Companies may overlook Canada as an export market as it is often included in the “North American” sales division which would be responsible for the US, Canada and, at times, Mexico.

No, Selling to Oregon is NOT an Export

After returning to Wisconsin in 2015 to work in export development at the Milwaukee 7, I was surprised how often I heard companies say they were exporting “outside of the region” to, for example, Washington state.