Linked Living™ Homes: Helping families 

Tom and Greg Cops opened Linked Living ™ Homes in 2019, with the mission to bring families together and promote family living, especially for the elderly and those with special needs.

Speaking From Triumph Over Tragedy: Positivity! 

Voices of the 21st Century Crop Cover

In 1997, Paula M. Kramer
opened Speaking From
Triumph Over Tragedy in
Nelsonville, Wisconsin. Her
small business focused on
positivity strategies has grown
and evolved in many ways since

HOTWORX Milwaukee Downtown: Uniqueness! 


Jennifer and Wade Lamont opened HOTWORX Milwaukee Downtown in November 2021, and these
franchisees did not waste any time building brand awareness for their unique gym.

Performance Elite Gymnastics: Team focus 


Amanda Ross opened Performance Elite Gymnastics in 2015, and the facility offers world-class training.

Cookies By Design: Three generations


Franchise owner Prue Lotharius employs three generations of family members at her gifting business

Wildewood: Plants, work environment, community


My journey toward selling plants began after I completely unplugged during a road trip from Nashville, TN – where I was living – to Yosemite National Park in 2014.

Siren Shrub: Side hustle to multi-product, multi-flavor company

Siren Shrub Mindy Layne

Siren Shrub Co., which takes drinks up a notch with an old-but-new concept, has taken its company up a notch in just a few short years.

Blue House Books: A community favorite!


Sam Jacquest started her business by hosting pop-up events in the community and soon Blue House Books was housed in its own location in Kenosha.

Healthy Way Market: People and planet over profit


Adam Goettelman knew the community wanted the local grocery store opened in 1994 to survive, so he purchased Healthy Way Market. It is now growing and thriving thanks to that same community support.

Kelly’s Pot Pies and More: Family, food, tradition

Pat and Kelly McGinnis started Kelly’s Pot Pies and More in East Troy in November 2020, and the experience has been a whirlwind of activity ever since.