
The Sky is not Falling: The resignation of Canada’s Prime Minister and the effects of international trade with Wisconsin

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MARKETPLACE highlights relationships and networking

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A Look Back at the 2024 Election and Its Impact on Wisconsin’s International Trade

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Donahue earns Certified Economic Developer designation

Andy Donahue, director of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at UW-Superior, has earned the designation of Certified Economic Developer (CEcD), a national recognition that denotes a mastery of skills in economic development, professional attainment and a commitment to personal and professional growth.

Welcome Back to the Go Global Monthly Newsletter

Hello and welcome to the 2nd edition of the Wisconsin Go Global Newsletter! Our 1st edition was well received and we will continue to make improvements per your feedback.

New Trade Passport Website Launch & Giveaway

The National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators (NASBITE) in collaboration with the Wisconsin SBDC Network and trade organizations based in 29 additional US states has launched the new Trade Passport website providing Export Assistance On-Demand: https://www.

Trade Resources for Non-Exporters… No Really

Surprisingly, many “trade” resources and programs don’t require that a company be an exporter at all.

The Joke My Accounting Professor Told the Class

Day one of Accounting 101 at UW Milwaukee (a very long time ago) the professor told the following joke: Three accountants are interviewing for an entry level position at a Wisconsin company.

Welcome to the Wisconsin Go Global Monthly Newsletter

Hello and welcome to our inaugural Go Global Newsletter! I hope that you are all well and that your businesses are surviving this unprecedented pandemic.

Where We Stand 6 Months into the Pandemic

By: Marc Chandler, Bannockburn Global Forex The pandemic was a major body blow to the world economy, driving countries into deep economic downturns.